Tag: automatic driving lessons portsmouth
Do EVs Work for a Driving Instructor?
It’s been nearly 4 years years since I started teaching in an EV. A lot has happened in the world of electric cars in this short time and with a new car on its way I thought it would be a good time to review life as a driving instructor using an EV and ask…
Eco Safe Driving Increases EV Range
Driving style has a big affect on EV range as well as fuel economy in a fossil fuelled car. Eco safe driving techniques can increase range showing an average improvement of over 11% with eco safe driver training. As I sit writing this in Lockdown through the winter of late 2020 and early 2021, and…
Is An Electric Car Expensive?
There are many perceived barriers preventing people switching to an electric car. One of the biggest is that EVs cost more than a fossil car. They might cost a bit more to buy, however, is total cost of ownership any greater? Because my car is my business the figures have to add up when buying…
Recharging Point Made
At last the urban charging bay is complete. However, fossil fuelled cars blocking charging bays are a big problem to an EV owner with a low battery. There is a now little plate by the charging space I use saying “Electric vehicle recharging point only” this little piece of metal means ICE cars will get…
Urban Baywatch
I’m becoming obsessed with a parking bay! The one I use to charge with the new Ubitricity charging points in Portsmouth. There’s a problem in so much as it’s not quite an EV charging bay yet. Just over two months into Nissan Leaf ownership and it’s fabulous. The car is smooth, quiet, fast and the…
It’s Electric and Automatic
I,ve been teaching in automatic cars since 2006 and moving to the Nissan Leaf electric car I find it has much in common with my previous automatics. Learners notice no difference in driving it and lessons are the same as in a fossil fuelled car, except for the wonderful smooth silence you get with electric…
Electric Instructor visits Air Ambulance
Last weekend, along with other members of our local instructor association, I visited the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance base at the Thruxton race track in Hampshire. Our association, SDIA, are raising money for the air ambulance and they kindly offered to show us around.
The Day Portsmouth Launched on Street Charging
The on street chargers in Portsmouth are being installed. It resulted in me attending a launch for the media at the first charge point installed as well as being interviewed on the radio. Lamp Posts Charge Cars This is really good news the charge points are going in. The one across the road from me…
The Cost of Electricity for an EV
Two weeks of running my 30kW Nissan Leaf as a driving school car I’ve got a reasonable idea of the cost of electricity for an EV. I’m using public charging and relying mainly on rapid charging until the roadside chargers are installed by Portsmouth City Council. While a lot of my motivation to run an…
A Week of Electric Lessons
It’s been an interesting first week of teaching in my Nissan Leaf electric car. Learners really like driving it and it brings up some interesting thoughts about teaching in EVs and what effect they will have on our roads. When first encountering the MK1 Leaf Learners are impressed with it’s slightly whacky looks and the…